
Ataks chicken breeding is common in our country. In addition to being the first domestic hybrid breed in the laying hen sector, it is the number 1 choice of our country in the sale of laying hens due to its durability and compatibility with all climatic conditions. Egg color, appearance, taste, has become the most sought-after chicken in natural egg sales.

Salma Egg yield life in poultry is about 2 years. When purchasing Ataks pullets, you should pay attention to the fact that they are bred for keel poultry, not in cages, especially if you are going to make keel salma poultry.

Because Ataks chicken breed has a very delicious natural meat, it can be fed for both its eggs and its delicious meat. The only disadvantage of this chicken is that it does not hold meat much, but it is very tasty as a natural chicken. 1st.Blood Ataks the pullet begins to give the first guide egg to after 20th.weeks. The spawning life is an average of 2 years.

All attack-s pullets (chickens) you will receive are raised under the control of a professional team and expert veterinarian from the first day until they are delivered to you.

In Salma poultry; We say that your first choice should be black atax, as its appearance and egg color are very important for egg production.

For all producers and customers who want to breed Ataks chicken, We have free consultancy and veterinary services provided by our poultry experts before and after sales. We claim to offer the best service with technical veterinary support. Because; we are a professional company engaged in breeding the best Atax chicken in Turkey. We claim that; we always offer the best service in chicken pullet breeding. We are always followers of every product we sell. We existed yesterday, we exist today, and tomorrow by the will of God, we will continue to be with you.
